--- Comment #13 from Gauthier <> ---
(In reply to Wismill from comment #12)
> I do not have issue with Caps characters either.
Just to make sure we're on the same page. I don't have problems with Caps
characters (i.e. writing capital letters works fine inside electron apps using
the shift key). I have an issue with changing keyboard layout to write in
another language using the "Caps Lock (while pressed)" shortcut in Electron
apps (works fine in any other apps). I can reproduce using Signal Desktop,
Jitsi or Freetube.

Though I guess it is to note that pressing Caps Lock in Electron apps does not
change keyboard layout but also does not make capital letters, it just does
nothing. The alternative shortcut Alt + Caps Lock to enable the original Caps
Lock function (capital letters) does work fine inside Electron apps.

> Could share your xkeyboard-config package version 
I have version 2.41 installed

> and your ~/.config/kxkbrc

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