--- Comment #5 from Antonio Orefice <> ---
Hi again,
maybe there is a misunderstanding here, sorry.
The problem i have with limited framerate does not depend on the driver

I'm able to reproduce it even without nvidia's ForceFullCompositionPipeline=On

What happens, is that if i remove MaxFPS= line from kwinrc and disable any
"tearing prevention" in the compositor settings, kwin seems to render things at

I gather this information:
1- From the kwin's "Show FPS" effect:
it shows 60..62 fps

2- by observing the windows edges while i drag it:
If kwin's render rate were close to the display refresh, i'd expect to see
smooth window dragging with a single "tearing" line, and this is indeed what
happens if i specify MaxFPS=75 OR if i switch to a 60hz mode.
But what happens is that the movement is jerky and there are several tearing

As soon as i enable kwin's Tearing prevention ON (the method doesn't matter),
the fps effect jumps to 75, i repeat, this happens with AND without any special
driver configuration.

Thanks for your attention.

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