Xavier Besnard <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #2 from Xavier Besnard <> ---
Hello Remi.
Thanks for reporting your concern about the translation of Kmymoney. I am
currently in charge of its translation in French.

I wonder if the global replacement of  "Versement" and "Dépôt" by "Recette" and
"Dépense" in french translation is adequate.

For example, there are many references to "versement" in many context. For
Final Payment: ==> Versement libératoire :
First payment: ==> Premier versement :

The translation of "Versement" and "Dépôt" may be done differently depending on
the context, ie. on a case by case basis.

So, please could you be more specific on the translation that could be improved
with your request (Context, screenshot)?

If necessary, you can contact the KDE FR translation forum (with a required
registration) or directly  me (
Thank for your contribution for improving Kmymoney translations.

PS: If you would like to contribute to KMymoney translations (review or
translations), you are welcome. It is fun, according to your constraints and

Regards. Xavier

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