Jonathan L Hanmann <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|REPORTED                    |RESOLVED
         Resolution|---                         |NOT A BUG

--- Comment #3 from Jonathan L Hanmann <> ---
After a lot of trial and error I found that it was indeed due to my
snapd-glib-qt. Since I'm building on Ubuntu Noble (beta obviously I guess) the
existing package is built against Qt 6.42 probably. This caused the symbol
problem which I tried to work around by changing the QStringList to a
QList<QString> which appeared to work. Although it built ok it caused the
runtime crash somehow. I don't understand that exact mechanism.

My solution was to build Qt 6.7.0 packages for my system. That took several
days to figure out all by itself. I then rebuilt Snapd-Glib against Qt 6.7.0
using. When I installed that and then rebuilt Discover, voila!, it now appears
to start and work ok.

I will close this if I am allowed to since it was my own problem which I've now

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