Nate Graham <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|NEEDSINFO                   |CONFIRMED
         Resolution|FIXED                       |---
            Summary|Containment (plus panel)    |Plasma containment (plus
                   |misplaced after turning     |panel) misplaced after
                   |screen off and on again     |interrupting and resuming
                   |                            |power to screen (by turning
                   |                            |it off or back on again, or
                   |                            |unplugging and replugging a
                   |                            |USB-C charging cable
                   |                            |connected to the hosting
                   |                            |laptop/dock
   Target Milestone|1.0                         |---
          Component|Desktop Containment         |multi-screen
            Product|plasmashell                 |kwin
           Assignee|         |
     Ever confirmed|0                           |1

--- Comment #5 from Nate Graham <> ---
I can reproduce this issue 100%, but in a slightly different way than you did.
I suspect the same underlying thing is happening though. Steps to reproduce:

1. Have a setup with a laptop, an external HDMI screen, and a 3rd-party USB-C
2. Plug the dock into the laptop
3. Plug the power cable into the dock's USB-C port, feeding the laptop with
power through the dock
4. Plug the HDMI screen into the dock's HDMI port, creating a dual-screen setup
5. Close the laptop lid. The primary containment moves to the external screen
as expected
6. Unplug the USB-C charging cable from the dock

At this point the external monitor goes all black for a second or two and then
the picture returns. When this has happens, the Plasma containment previously
bound to it has disappeared. If I plug the power cord in again, the containment
returns. Note that I cannot reproduce the issue when no USB-C dock is involved;
if the HDMI cable and power cord are plugged directly into the laptop,
unplugging the power cord does not trigger the issue. I also cannot reproduce
the issue when I unplug the HDMI cable.

When you experience the bug on your system by turning the screen off and back
on again, it's probably causing the same kind of brief interruption to power
(but not signal) that triggers the same issue.

Moving to KWin for further triage as I think while there may be a Plasma issue
here as well, the fact that it's reproducible by triggering power events makes
me suspect KWin might be mishandling things at a deeper level.

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