Daniel Vrátil <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
   Version Fixed In|                            |24.05
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |korganizer/-/commit/37bf211
                   |                            |9cf46302df5c266a886ac575998
                   |                            |44030d
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED

--- Comment #2 from Daniel Vrátil <> ---
Git commit 37bf2119cf46302df5c266a886ac57599844030d by Daniel Vrátil.
Committed on 08/04/2024 at 15:50.
Pushed by dvratil into branch 'master'.

Remove options from KOPrefs that already exist in CalendarSupport::KCalPrefs

Some of the holiday-related options were duplicated in both KOPrefs (KOrganizer
config) and KCalPrefs (CalendarSupport config used by other components like
EventViews). While both objects operate on top of the same config file, if the
holidays option got changed through one of the objects, the other one was
of the change.

This caused a weird behavior where re-configuring holidays in KOrganizer showed
up only where KOPrefs object was used to read the configuration, but wouldn't
show up in event views, which use KCalPrefs until the application was
FIXED-IN: 24.05

M  +2    -2    src/calendarview.cpp
M  +2    -2    src/kocorehelper.h
M  +8    -7    src/prefs/koprefsdialogtime.cpp
M  +0    -17   src/settings/korganizer.kcfg

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