Daniel Vrátil <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |eventviews/-/commit/7267eae
                   |                            |b9acfbe35f562ae4ad3be64313c
                   |                            |85a2e1
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED
   Version Fixed In|                            |24.02.2

--- Comment #3 from Daniel Vrátil <> ---
Git commit 7267eaeb9acfbe35f562ae4ad3be64313c85a2e1 by Daniel Vrátil.
Committed on 27/03/2024 at 14:03.
Pushed by dvratil into branch 'release/24.02'.

Don't overwrite valid date in eventDurationHint()

The view's hint function is called whenever a new event/todo/journal
is being created from KOrganizer. When the new incidence is being
created via context menu in the side-pane calendar preview, the selected
date might be different from the date currently selected in the main
view. In such case, the view should only provide a hint (e.g. about
duration or allday-ness of the new event) but shouldn't replace the
valid dates.
FIXED-IN: 24.02.2

M  +9    -0    src/agenda/agendaview.cpp
M  +9    -0    src/month/monthview.cpp
M  +19   -4    src/timeline/timelineview.cpp

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