--- Comment #3 from Daniel Vrátil <> ---
Git commit fd6d6bd3d7c24b95a8d91b0233ada61a08658738 by Daniel Vrátil.
Committed on 22/03/2024 at 14:22.
Pushed by dvratil into branch 'release/24.02'.

Apply current view filter on the Todo model as well

Previously the Todo model was derived from ETMCalendar, which internally
had a CalFilterProxyModel to filter out incidences based on a CalFilter.
Nowadays we are building right on top of an ETM, so we need to apply the
filter manually.

It's a little hacky solution, but it is achieved by taking the current
filter from one of the active calendars and manually filtering each
Todo through it in the TodoViewSortFilterProxyModel.
FIXED-IN: 24.02.3

M  +9    -1    src/todo/todoview.cpp
M  +23   -2    src/todo/todoviewsortfilterproxymodel.cpp
M  +12   -0    src/todo/todoviewsortfilterproxymodel.h

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