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--- Comment #15 from ---
Hi, I am experiencing similar bugs. I am creating a fresh Event on the
21.10.2023, with a recurrence of "Weekly every 2 weeks", as shown in the
attachment "Creating the fresh event". When viewing the month overview of
October, it is correctly shown on the 21.10 and the 04.11. When switching the
view to November, it is NOT shown on the 04.11, but on the 11.11.  I attached
screenshots of this.

I am using a synchronised calender via Nextcloud. In Nextcloud's webview, the
same event is correctly shown on the 04.11 and starting from November, the same
synchronised calender is shown correctly in the Nextcloud Webview and shifted
by one week in the kOrganizer client.

Thus, it can not be related to the actual event but some recurrence bug in
kOrganizer. I am also on a German system.

I want to highlight, that this is a very critical bug, making kOrganizer
unusable for me.

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