Vlad Zahorodnii <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |ma/kwin/-/commit/13c092d671
                   |                            |8ab40d2e2d96d8d49611731e505
                   |                            |1a0
         Resolution|WORKSFORME                  |FIXED

--- Comment #14 from Vlad Zahorodnii <> ---
Git commit 13c092d6718ab40d2e2d96d8d49611731e5051a0 by Vlad Zahorodnii.
Committed on 26/02/2024 at 13:31.
Pushed by vladz into branch 'master'.

Fix a crash in eglDestroyImageKHR()

Apparently, libepoxy requires a current EGL display in order to resolve
EGL functions. This is unexpected as most of the EGL functions require no
current opengl context.

This change makes kwin bypass libepoxy for problematic cases.

M  +25   -15   src/opengl/egldisplay.cpp
M  +13   -1    src/opengl/egldisplay.h
M  +1    -1    src/opengl/eglimagetexture.cpp
M  +3    -3    src/platformsupport/scenes/opengl/abstract_egl_backend.cpp

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