--- Comment #39 from jesse <> ---
I found the source code and even where they fixed the html parser for

Looks like this may have been done by them about 6 months ago, according to the

Either way, their solution is the same as the link I posted earlier suggest. 

Their solution: 

    public String rpcLatestQuote(Security security) throws IOException
        return new WebAccess("", "/v8/finance/chart/" +
                        .addParameter("lang", "en-US").addParameter("region",
                        .addParameter("corsDomain", "").get();

You can see that they made the same update ( to change v7 to v8 and use

I did not look at all of their code but I see that they seem to be pulling some
json objects too. Perhaps someone can dig into the code and find if they have a
public api they are calling. 

As of now, it seems their solution and what the linked posted before, are

It may just be that they got to it sooner.

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