Nate Graham <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|Unnecessary line break      |KCM shows confusing
                   |                            |indexing status
                 CC|                            |
             Status|REPORTED                    |NEEDSINFO
         Resolution|---                         |WAITINGFORINFO

--- Comment #1 from Nate Graham <> ---
The positioning of 'Idle" is currently intentional, because normally that
string is actually showing the filename that's being indexed, and we want to
preserve maximum space for it so it's less likely to get elided or wrapped.

The fact that it says "Not running" and "0% complete", in conjunction with the
"Idle" string, seems like there's some internal inconsistency in the indexing
status or something. If it's 0% complete, then it should start to do things,
not be idle! Have you manually paused it or something?

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