--- Comment #4 from pixelplanetdev <> ---
(In reply to Alexander Lohnau from comment #2)
> I am not sure what you mean with hovering over a category.
>     if (mime.isEmpty()) {
>         if (!mimeType.startsWith(QLatin1String("x-scheme-handler/"))) { //
> don't warn for unknown scheme handler mimetypes
>             qCWarning(SERVICES) << "KApplicationTrader: mimeType" <<
> mimeType << "not found";
>             return lst; // empty
>         }
>         mime = mimeType;
>     }
> There is code in KServie to avoid lots of warnings, but in case the schema
> handler is known to QMimeDatabase, but (for whatever reason) not to KService
> internally, we will emit a warning later on.

I mean to just move the cursor over the categories in the launcher to see the
applications. I attached a video showing it.
The CPU usage of plasmashell is high during it, and if you do any minor task in
the background, like watching a video, it gets much slower, up to two seconds
till the applications show.

This doesn't happen when Discover is installed. Or it's at least much much

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