
           What    |Removed                     |Added
     Ever confirmed|0                           |1
             Status|RESOLVED                    |REOPENED
         Resolution|WORKSFORME                  |---

--- Comment #17 from ---
Just happened again.
Just like the previous time, it started with the black screen when unlocking
the screen, the one that says "screenlocker-something is broken" and gives
instruction to unlock the session from a virtual console. After that, the
shortcut for Spectacle would not work.

Thu 2023-09-07 15:10:50 CEST 229296 1000 1001 SIGABRT present  /usr/bin/kcminit
Thu 2023-09-07 15:10:32 CEST 229240 1000 1001 SIGABRT present  /usr/bin/kcminit
Sun 2023-09-03 01:00:20 CEST  17935 1000 1001 SIGSEGV missing  /usr/bin/node    

coredumpctl gdb 229240
           PID: 229240 (kcminit)
           UID: 1000 (teo)
           GID: 1001 (teo)
        Signal: 6 (ABRT)
     Timestamp: Thu 2023-09-07 15:10:32 CEST (7min ago)
  Command Line: /usr/bin/kcminit kcm_mouse kcm_touchpad
    Executable: /usr/bin/kcminit
 Control Group:
          Unit: user@1000.service
     User Unit: plasma-kded.service
         Slice: user-1000.slice
     Owner UID: 1000 (teo)
       Boot ID: 3924003139bc46e884057bfd76e624f9
    Machine ID: 4f2c554d73c74daba9d61cc110b5b0bf
      Hostname: lenovo-teo-m
  Size on Disk: 407.4K
       Message: Process 229240 (kcminit) of user 1000 dumped core.

                Stack trace of thread 229240:
                #0  0x00007ff77390d26c n/a ( + 0x8926c)
                #1  0x00007ff7738bda08 raise ( + 0x39a08)
                #2  0x00007ff7738a6538 abort ( + 0x22538)
                #3  0x00007ff772ca0098 _ZNK14QMessageLogger5fatalEPKcz
( + 0xa0098)
                #4  0x00007ff77333f402
_ZN22QGuiApplicationPrivate25createPlatformIntegrationEv ( +
                #5  0x00007ff77333fa99
_ZN22QGuiApplicationPrivate21createEventDispatcherEv ( +
                #6  0x00007ff772e9b215 _ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate4initEv
( + 0x29b215)
                #7  0x00007ff77333fb46 _ZN22QGuiApplicationPrivate4initEv
( + 0x13fb46)
                #8  0x00007ff77334087c _ZN15QGuiApplicationC1ERiPPci
( + 0x14087c)
                #9  0x0000561192c5d11d n/a (kcminit + 0x311d)
                #10 0x00007ff7738a7850 n/a ( + 0x23850)
                #11 0x00007ff7738a790a __libc_start_main ( + 0x2390a)
                #12 0x0000561192c5def5 n/a (kcminit + 0x3ef5)

                Stack trace of thread 229241:
                #0  0x00007ff773981c0f __poll ( + 0xfdc0f)
                #1  0x00007ff771f6cc2f n/a ( + 0xb7c2f)
                #2  0x00007ff771f0d0e2 g_main_context_iteration
( + 0x580e2)
                #3  0x00007ff772eea5cc
( + 0x2ea5cc)
                #4  0x00007ff772e9a484
_ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( +
                #5  0x00007ff772cf72b6 _ZN7QThread4execEv ( +
                #6  0x00007ff773a88a9a n/a ( + 0x18a9a)
                #7  0x00007ff772cf34da n/a ( + 0xf34da)
                #8  0x00007ff77390b44b n/a ( + 0x8744b)
                #9  0x00007ff77398ee40 n/a ( + 0x10ae40)
                ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64

GNU gdb (GDB) 13.1

(.... downloading stuff ...)

[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]                                   
Using host libthread_db library "/usr/lib/".
Core was generated by `/usr/bin/kcminit kcm_mouse kcm_touchpad'.
Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
#0  0x00007ff77390d26c in ?? () from /usr/lib/
[Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7ff7718921c0 (LWP 229240))]
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ff77390d26c in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#1  0x00007ff7738bda08 in raise () from /usr/lib/
#2  0x00007ff7738a6538 in abort () from /usr/lib/
#3  0x00007ff772ca0098 in QMessageLogger::fatal(char const*, ...) const () from
#4  0x00007ff77333f402 in QGuiApplicationPrivate::createPlatformIntegration()
() from /usr/lib/
#5  0x00007ff77333fa99 in QGuiApplicationPrivate::createEventDispatcher() ()
from /usr/lib/
#6  0x00007ff772e9b215 in QCoreApplicationPrivate::init() () from
#7  0x00007ff77333fb46 in QGuiApplicationPrivate::init() () from
#8  0x00007ff77334087c in QGuiApplication::QGuiApplication(int&, char**, int)
() from /usr/lib/
#9  0x0000561192c5d11d in ?? ()
#10 0x00007ff7738a7850 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#11 0x00007ff7738a790a in __libc_start_main () from /usr/lib/
#12 0x0000561192c5def5 in ?? ()

The one for 229296 seems to be exactly  the same

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