--- Comment #5 from ---
Mmm, something's going wrong with the VLC package detection in FindLIBVLC.cmake
file.  It does find the package using the pkg_check_modules command (which is
the command that prints the line saying that libvlc has been found), but then
doesn't find the correct paths in the rest of the cmake file for some reason...

This is what it's supposed to show:

-- Checking for module 'libvlc'
--   Found libvlc, version 3.0.18
-- Found LibVLC include-dir path: /usr/include
-- Found LibVLC library path:/usr/lib/
-- Found LibVLCcore library path:/usr/lib/
-- Found LibVLC version: 3.0.18 (searched for: 0.0)
-- Checking for module 'gstreamer-1.0'
--   Found gstreamer-1.0, version 1.22.5

Notice the extra lines where it mentions the paths...

The strange thing is that this cmake file is used in several other KDE projects
since more than 10 years.  I was assuming that it would just work on all the
major distributions.
Unfortunately I don't have any debian bases system on which to test this right

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