--- Comment #4 from Maik Qualmann <> ---
Well, we can't change anything about the current situation. Google has made
changes to their servers. You could see it well on the QWebKit engine, which we
still use in the Windows version, gradually less could be displayed, first
thumbnails now the whole page no longer. The same with the QWebEngine, which is
even based on Chromium. With QWebEngine I still have hope that there will be
adjustments. There is a new controversial extension in Chrome (Web Environment
Integrity (WEI)). It is possible that Google only allows certain browser
engines. Google has also banned us from using embedded browsers to authorize
Google Photo or Drive, they explicitly require an up-to-date desktop browser.
We can't change anything at this time.

@Gilles, we had a patch queued that loads Maps tiles directly, it also doesn't
work anymore.
You had a program (name?) on macOS that also loaded the tiles directly, is it
still running?


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