--- Comment #36 from ---

I know why I do it "by hands" with findfirst/findnext.    A little bit ancient,
but it cannot fail.  :)

Thanks for explaining.

Am Montag, 21. August 2023, 17:54:47 CEST schrieben Sie:
> --- Comment #35 from Fushan Wen <> ---
> Git commit 79f494d6c61ff7e1e4f4e618447e322eda89ac84 by Fushan Wen.
> Committed on 21/08/2023 at 17:38.
> Pushed by fusionfuture into branch 'master'.
> wallpapers/image: fix random order update logic
> In SlideFilterModel, an added/deleted wallpaper is not always the last
> one, so `first` and `last` also needs to be taken into account.
> `m_randomOrder` stores the row numbers of the source model in a specific
> order. When a new wallpaper is added, the `first` argument is not always
> equal to `sourceModel->rowCount()`, and when the condition is not met, all
> the existing row numbers in `m_randomOrder` that >= `first` need to be
> increased by 1 (or the number of new wallpapers), to make space for new
> wallpapers. Vice versa when wallpapers are removed.
> M  +75   -0    wallpapers/image/plugin/autotests/test_slidefiltermodel.cpp
> M  +25   -6    wallpapers/image/plugin/slidefiltermodel.cpp
> e618447e322eda89ac84

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