--- Comment #23 from Tobias Leupold <> ---
Sadly, this discussion (I think it's not a "bug report" anymore) has reached
the point where each post is a rant and the whole thing is trench warfare.

In my opinion, Legacy Kickoff has way better design and usability, and is the
way better start menu. I totally agree with the other cries of naysayers here.
However, the folks developing the new launcher surely did their best and
thought about what they implemented. I don't think it's meaningful to tinker
the new thing until everybody is happy. This won't happen. The fact the the
option to rearrange the layout wasn't implemented yet doesn't mean that the
dev(s) can't do this, it means that he/she/they simply don't want to.

I'm a (small) KDE dev myself. This whole discussion is annoying and unpleasant
for everybody for sure. I also had to deal with dissatisfied users myself. It's
not always easy. But we should keep it polite and professional.

IMHO, the only viable solution is to eventually leave the decision to the user.
Simply package Legacy Kickoff again and let the users choose the launcher they
want. But show the choices. Inform the users that they CAN have another start
menu. Most users will leave the default settings as-is. A lot of people are
used to this from the Windows or macOS word. Don't like something? It's sink or

But we DO have the possibility to let the user decide. And that's what KDE is
about: Give a reasonable default which is easy and convenient, but also give a
choice for more advanced users.

What do you think?

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