Nate Graham <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Assignee|     |
           Severity|normal                      |minor
            Summary|New lock screen buttons are |Fallback theme's icons-only
                   |unintuitive                 |buttons lack tooltips
           Keywords|                            |usability
            Version|unspecified                 |5.27.2
         Resolution|WAITINGFORINFO              |---
            Product|kde                         |kscreenlocker
     Ever confirmed|0                           |1
             Status|NEEDSINFO                   |CONFIRMED
          Component|general                     |general

--- Comment #3 from Nate Graham <> ---
That's not the Breeze lock screen. :) This is actually the fallback theme in
case your lock screen theme is broken. Apparently it is!

The button means "switch user" and clicking on it takes you to the SDDM login
screen, which apparently is not broken. I can see from the code that the button
doesn't have a tooltip; we should definitely add one.

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