Nate Graham <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Assignee|     |
          Component|general                     |general
         Resolution|NOT A BUG                   |---
             Status|RESOLVED                    |REOPENED
            Product|kde                         |frameworks-knewstuff
            Summary|GTK application style not   |Allow user to choose
                   |applied to apps that get    |whether to install
                   |sudo permissions            |downloaded assets in home
                   |                            |folder or systemwide
           Severity|normal                      |wishlist
     Ever confirmed|0                           |1
                 CC|                            |,
                   |                            |
            Version|unspecified                 |5.103.0

--- Comment #3 from Nate Graham <> ---
(In reply to David from comment #2)
> It's not correct that it doesn't apply user settings to it: if I select
> built-in themes like "adwaita-dark", it does apply it to sudo-requesting
> apps like synaptic.
That's because those themes are installed in a systemwide location. When you
download themes from the store using the "get new [thing]" downloader, it
places them in your home directory. So they aren't accessible from the
perspective of the root user, which you're running the app as.

> Also, I seem to recall you deliberately disabled running graphical apps like
> "systemsettings5" as sudo so those settings cannot be changed for the root
> user either.
I did no such thing (and neither did anyone else), but regardless, you
shouldn't do that because it will cause a ton of other problems for you and
you'll be fighting with weird issues until the heat death of the universe. Just
Say No. :) 

What we can perhaps do is allow downloaded themes to optionally be installed
systemwide. But note that even this will not work in the next-generation of
immutable OSs (bug 454509).

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