--- Comment #3 from Matthew Fennell <> 
(In reply to Paul Floyd from comment #1)
> Can you find the source in xcb that is causing this?
I'll do my best :) To be honest - I'm not at all familiar with how these
libraries interact, so forgive me if this description is not very good. But,
here goes:

I made a more minimal example that does not require openscenegraph. Here is the
backtrace of the bug:

#0  __GI___writev (fd=3, iov=0x7fffffffdbf0, iovcnt=3) at
#1  0x00007ffff7c38fb9 in write_vec (count=0x7fffffffdb8c,
vector=0x7fffffffdb90, c=0x55555555c430) at ../../src/xcb_conn.c:277
#2  _xcb_conn_wait (c=c@entry=0x55555555c430, cond=cond@entry=0x55555555d560,
vector=vector@entry=0x7fffffffdb90, count=count@entry=0x7fffffffdb8c) at
#3  0x00007ffff7c39381 in _xcb_out_send (count=<optimized out>,
vector=<optimized out>, c=0x55555555c430) at ../../src/xcb_out.c:464
#4  xcb_writev (c=c@entry=0x55555555c430, vector=vector@entry=0x7fffffffdbf0,
count=-9332, count@entry=3, requests=requests@entry=8) at
#5  0x00007ffff7ea3eae in _XSend (dpy=0x555555559d80, data=0x7fffffffdc20
"8\004", data@entry=0x0, size=size@entry=0) at ../../src/xcb_io.c:578
#6  0x00007ffff7ea447c in _XReply (dpy=dpy@entry=0x555555559d80,
rep=rep@entry=0x7fffffffdcf0, extra=extra@entry=0, discard=discard@entry=1) at
#7  0x00007ffff7e8eac4 in XInternAtom (dpy=0x555555559d80, name=0x55555555603f
"_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", onlyIfExists=0) at ../../src/IntAtom.c:182
#8  0x00005555555555cb in main () at

Frame 8:
The bug is triggered by a call to XInternAtom(display, "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", 0);
This call on its own does not cause any reports - it relies on the previous

Frame 7 (libX11):
libX11 has a Display struct which contains a char * dpy->buffer. It also has
another char * dpy->bufptr, which starts set to the same position as
dpy->buffer, but expands and shrinks throughout the lifetime of the program.
In the call to XInternAtom, libX11 passes dpy to xcb.

Frame 5 (xcb):
xcb creates the struct iovec * like so:

vec[0].iov_base = dpy->buffer
vec[0].iov_len = dpy->bufptr - dpy->buffer

There is also vec[1], and vec[2], but they both have iov_len values of 0.

At this point:

dpy->buffer: "\001\030\f"
dpy->bufptr: ""
dpy->bufptr - dpy->buffer = 296

Frames #4-0:
This iovec * is passed down to the writev call without modification.

Then, on the writev call, valgrind reports:

==21464== Syscall param writev(vector[...]) points to uninitialised byte(s)
==21464==    at 0x4AD770D: __writev (writev.c:26)
==21464==    by 0x4AD770D: writev (writev.c:24)
==21464==    by 0x4BC6FB8: write_vec (xcb_conn.c:277)
==21464==    by 0x4BC6FB8: _xcb_conn_wait (xcb_conn.c:523)
==21464==    by 0x4BC7380: _xcb_out_send (xcb_out.c:464)
==21464==    by 0x4BC7380: xcb_writev (xcb_out.c:412)
==21464==    by 0x48B1EAD: _XSend (xcb_io.c:578)
==21464==    by 0x48B247B: _XReply (xcb_io.c:670)
==21464==    by 0x489CAC3: XInternAtom (IntAtom.c:182)
==21464==    by 0x1095CA: main (example.cpp:70)
==21464==  Address 0x4ee5738 is 264 bytes inside a block of size 16,384 alloc'd
==21464==    at 0x483AB65: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:760)
==21464==    by 0x48A1D79: XOpenDisplay (OpenDis.c:240)
==21464==    by 0x10920B: main (example.cpp:5)
==21464==  Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation
==21464==    at 0x109207: main (example.cpp:5)

I believe the error is ultimately caused by 296 (iov_len = dpy->bufptr -
dpy->buffer) > 264 (amount of initialised memory in dpy->buffer).

However, unfortunately, I don't know enough about X11 to understand why this is
happening, or if it's expected. Nevertheless, I hope this helps a little.

Let me know if you'd like me to do more research or there's some other info
that would help. I initially reported here since I noticed the almost identical
suppressions, but I'm certainly open to the suggestion that this is a real bug
in X. I just don't know enough to know how to tell for sure :)

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