
           What    |Removed                     |Added
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--- Comment #25 from ---
(In reply to Aleix Pol from comment #23)
> *** Bug 466697 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
>From that thread....

I have just started seeing the crash happening in F37.

It happens when I log in with X11. Not seen it with Wayland.

Stack trace of thread 2858:
    #0  0x00007f34db019e5c __pthread_kill_implementation ( + 0x8ce5c)
    #1  0x00007f34dafc9a76 raise ( + 0x3ca76)
    #2  0x00007f34dafb37fc abort ( + 0x267fc)
    #3  0x00007f34da6d7e80 _ZSt21__glibcxx_assert_failPKciS0_S0_
( + 0xd7e80)
    #4  0x00007f34c4e71347 _ZNK7KScreen4Dpms11isSupportedEv
( + 0x9347)
    #5  0x00007f34dba7a36f _ZN10PowerDevil10ActionPool4initEPNS_4CoreE
( + 0x1736f)
    #6  0x00007f34dba81ded _ZN10PowerDevil4Core14onBackendReadyEv
( + 0x1eded)
    #7  0x00007f34dacd0e96 _Z10doActivateILb0EEvP7QObjectiPPv (
+ 0x2d0e96)
    #8  0x00007f34c5d1eafa _ZN23PowerDevilUPowerBackend18initWithBrightnessEb
( + 0x12afa)
    #9  0x00007f34dacd0e96 _Z10doActivateILb0EEvP7QObjectiPPv (
+ 0x2d0e96)
    #10 0x00007f34c5d15f53
( + 0x9f53)
    #11 0x00007f34dacd0e96 _Z10doActivateILb0EEvP7QObjectiPPv (
+ 0x2d0e96)

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