--- Comment #17 from Geekley <> ---
I've tested with 5.1.5 and, just a reminder, some issues here (other than the
vector layer thing) still persist.

TIFF exportation is weirdly behaving differently when the file exists - it's
not deterministic. Each time the file is overwritten, file size keeps
increasing. This issue happens on both GUI and command-line exportation (I
tested on this file RGBA-8-sRGB). I didn't test this before, but it seems
plausible to assume this was introduced with the read-write mode thing (it
doesn't happen on EXR). Though minor, I'd say it's still a bug.

It's still having inconsistent results between command-line and GUI exportation
of the same file with (presumably*) same settings.
I tested RGBA-8-sRGB.tif.kra and when exporting from GUI, the file is perfect,
even vector layers are OK.
When I had tested command-line though, at first on batch exportation
(, I got broken files.
Then I tested again, exporting only this file:
    flatpak run org.kde.krita --export RGBA-8-sRGB.tif.kra --export-filename
And the file wasn't broken this time, though it wasn't perfect like from GUI
(some text** isn't shown). So, unless it has something to do with settings,
there's inconsistency between GUI and command-line exports. I tried batch again
but they weren't broken this time, so who knows what happened...
* (I say presumably because unfortunately there's no way to enforce/ensure
specific exportation settings, so I expect it to use last used settings; a
feature to set those via command-line/json would be great and also
significantly help testing).
** May be related to this warning - though it's strange that the issue is only
via command-line:
    krita.file: WARNING: 'font-size-adjust' SVG attribute is not supported!

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