Jonathan Poelen <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |eworks/syntax-highlighting/
                   |                            |commit/e462713d397525e6b359
                   |                            |742125bbee075fdc49ca

--- Comment #3 from Jonathan Poelen <> ---
Git commit e462713d397525e6b359742125bbee075fdc49ca by Jonathan Poelen.
Committed on 09/11/2022 at 01:42.
Pushed by cullmann into branch 'master'.

Go: improved support for literal numbers, add unicode escape characters and new
predefined type

- add binary (0b) and octal (0o) prefix
- add hedecimal float format (0x1.fp-2)
- add imaginary suffix (123i)
- add digit separator (1_2_3)
- add any and comparable keyword type
- add little Unicode escapes ('\uHHHH') and big Unicode escapes ('\uHHHHHHHH')

M  +7    -0    autotests/folding/test.go.fold
M  +8    -1    autotests/html/test.go.dark.html
M  +8    -1    autotests/html/test.go.html
M  +7    -0    autotests/input/test.go
M  +8    -1    autotests/reference/test.go.ref
M  +78   -27   data/syntax/go.xml

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