--- Comment #2 from ---
Dear Daniel Vratil,

I am a long term KDE user with  some serious problems to set up a special IMAP 
account properly with KMail, see your solution to
and the next problem behind the first bug, see

Searching for answers on the web, I got in contact with your blog.
Especially with

There, you close the article with
"so if you like KDE (PIM) and would like to help us, let’s talk!"

Ok, here I am.
I think that KDE needs a native PIM solution, i.e. KDEPIM.
And I am willing to contribute beyond my personal interest.

Being a professor at a German university,
see also,
I am involved in software development
(Fortran, Matlab for Finite Element Method),
I know the problems of software development very well.
Especially in small or even very small groups.

Thus, being overloaded myself, I could not contribute to your daily 
development tasks. Nevertheless, I may contribute at some other place.

What is needed? Today, I could only mention some observations.

If someting is not working with KDEPIM, there are actually only few hints 
about the nature of the problem, i.e.
- wrong local configuration of KDEPIM,
- problems with the e-mail server of the provider
- really a bug in KDEPIM.
It is hardly possible to choose the correct category.

Is it possible to set up a white and black list naming providers or server 
software which are known to work or fail to work?

Is it possible to ask the community in some kind of review reporting positive 
and negative experience?

Would it be helpful to set up a list of test accounts (different providers and 
different server software) where some scenarios are frequently tested?

Ok. Who should do it?
But first of all, what are the best means to optimize the developement (and bug 
tracking) process.

So, I am willing to talk.

Best regards
Franz-Joseph Barthold

Am Sonntag, 12. Juni 2016, 09:46:35 CEST schrieben Sie:
> Daniel Vrátil <> changed:
>            What    |Removed                     |Added
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Version Fixed In|                            |16.04.3
>              Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |RESOLVED
>       Latest Commit|                            |
>                    |                            |p/8933e1dcfe7686683c5d804b9
>                    |                            |68dfc4a3af40f34
>          Resolution|---                         |FIXED
> --- Comment #1 from Daniel Vrátil <> ---
> Git commit 8933e1dcfe7686683c5d804b968dfc4a3af40f34 by Daniel Vrátil.
> Committed on 11/06/2016 at 09:17.
> Pushed by dvratil into branch 'Applications/16.04'.
> Fix crash when server returns non-standard EXPUNGE response
> Apparently some servers don't mention "EXPUNGE" in untagged EXPUNGE
> response. This wasn't handled correctly due to a typo in response
> length check. The code no longer crashes in such case, but will now
> print "Unhandled response" warning, which is OK, since we don't
> handle results of the EXPUNGE command anyway.
> FIXED-IN: 16.04.3
> M  +1    -0    autotests/CMakeLists.txt
> A  +89   -0    autotests/expungejobtest.cpp     [License: GPL (v2+)]
> M  +1    -1    src/expungejob.cpp

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