Felix Ernst <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|REPORTED                    |RESOLVED
                 CC|                            |
         Resolution|---                         |INTENTIONAL

--- Comment #1 from Felix Ernst <> ---
>The user’s curated places are more important than the Trash. 

I don't believe this is true. The Trash is in many ways one of the most
important things for users to access because it is where they recover data they
might have trashed by accident. A user adding more folders to Places doesn't
mean they don't value the Trash being there as highly.

I also think it is the most intuitive if "Add to Places" adds the item to the
bottom. Otherwise users might have to look for it. Users can change the order
later if they want.

I also want to mention that the last position in a list is generally *more*
important than the items above it because it is more easily memorised. So if
the argument is that user's curated places are more important, putting the item
they just curated at the bottom doesn't seem to contradict this notion IMO.

I will mark this as RESOLVED INTENTIONAL for now. But feel free to bring up
other arguments if you think my logic is flawed and we can reconsider.

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