--- Comment #6 from Albert Zeyer <> ---
> The error message is even telling you exactly what you need to do: install 
> the missing Perl modules that it lists. So go do that. :)

I already did that and I still have the error.

Also I thought that `kdesrc-build --initial-setup` should also do that. So
isn't this a bug in `kdesrc-build` then?

Also, I specifically asked about documentation here. So the bug tracker is not
about issues or requests on the documentation? Where else should I post
documentation issues then?

Also, I don't just want to have this resolved for me. I thought it would be of
some value that other people could easily have access to the information of how
you can do development with Ubuntu, for example, or whatever other information.
I think IRC is not the right place for persistent information which other
people in the future can easily find. A wiki or forum (or issue tracker) would

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