--- Comment #2 from Yusuf Jamal <> ---
(In reply to Ömer Fadıl USTA from comment #1)
> I start to believe the reason of this bug  is version control plugin. The
> tab or window is closing before its job done
> and it is causing crash. 
> Yusuf could you confirm that is this bug observable only exist on
> git/svn/cvs/... existed directories or not ?
> ```
>     QMutexLocker pluginLocker(m_globalPluginMutex);
>     QMap<QString, QVector<VersionControlObserver::ItemState> >::iterator it
> = m_itemStates.begin();
>     for (; it != m_itemStates.end(); ++it) {
>         if (m_plugin->beginRetrieval(it.key())) {
>             QVector<VersionControlObserver::ItemState>& items = it.value();
>             const int count = items.count();
>             for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
>                 const KFileItem& item =;
>                 const KVersionControlPlugin::ItemVersion version =
> m_plugin->itemVersion(item);
>                 items[i].second = version;
>             }
>         }
>         m_plugin->endRetrieval();
>     }
> ```

Well I had the version control plugin disabled when I reported this error and
it still happened. Since then it hasn't really happened.

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