--- Comment #10 from Fabian Vogt <> ---
For completeness, a quick discussion with sitter on IRC/matrix:

[11:51] <sitter[m]> so we could consider either the ld_library_path wrong, or
the fact that libexec is in /usr (and then not symlinked), or that
kscreenlocker should hardcode the build time libexec location as final
fallback. the latter is why I imagine this isn't also failing for KIO because
there we should have that final fallback
[11:52] <fvogt> Qt has different builds for relocatable and non-relocatable
[11:53] <fvogt> That might be an option as well, if it's not a use case to put
system frameworks into some other location
[11:53] <sitter[m]> that'd be where the final fallback comes in IMO
[11:54] <sitter[m]> on systems where relocatability doesn't matter we'll find
libexec in the buildtime location anyway so klibexec is only extra sugar there
[11:54] <fvogt> Having an optional final fallback which has to be done
explicitly in every use of klibexec seems fragile
[11:55] <sitter[m]> yes. I am leaning towards saying you should symlink libexec
[11:55] <sitter[m]> or patch klibexec to never be relative maybe
[11:56] <fvogt> At some point libexec was below lib64, but that was changed
some time ago...
[11:56] <sitter[m]>
[11:57] <sitter[m]> perhaps the answer should be a builtime switch to make
klibexec return a fixed prefix 🤷
[11:58] <fvogt> To have the inline functions in klibexec.h just return the full
libexecdir path, effectively like before?
[11:59] <sitter[m]> it all seems equally suitable to my mind. but I would argue
that not having libexec inside a lib location goes against the spirit of
[11:59] <sitter[m]> the point of it is to get rid of the separation of / and
/usr, but then having libexec only in one location is undermining that
[11:59] <sitter[m]> fvogt: yep
[11:59] <fvogt> agrees with not
having /libexec
[12:02] <sitter[m]> fair point. still violates the motivation from my POV if
the library location then resolves to / and not /usr
[12:03] <sitter[m]> all that said, I would give a +1 to an MR that adds a full
libexecdir switch to kcoreaddons ^^
[14:53] <fvogt> sitter[m]: Adding the libexecdir switch to kcoreaddons assumes
that kcoreaddons is built with the same full libexecdir as its users which
might not be the case
[14:53] <fvogt> Not sure how to get the application/library's full libexecdir
into klibexec.h

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