Stefan Zurucker <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |
            Version|5.22.90                     |5.24.4

--- Comment #8 from Stefan Zurucker <> ---
Chiming in to update the issue and to share my perspective (hopefully not
necroing anything unnecessarily).

I agree with you, Nate, and I believe a significant share of users prefer to
see updates for "desktop applications" (with appstream data) and "system
components" being separated from one another.

A non-technical user will probably neither care nor know what an upgrade to
<libkf5screen-bin> will do (I certainly don't) but I daresay they will be
inclined to update their system if they see their browser or office suite
sitting there in the updates list.

By glancing over #435574 I believe it's currently not feasible to tell Discover
whether a reboot is required after certain package updates or not. While this
might be a nuisance for knowledgeable people, I assume the majority of average
users does not care and will just reboot their machine in the peace of mind
that their system will be up to date AND stable afterwards.

"Use Kubuntu then!" would probably not be bad advice, but I think it would add
just a tiny bit more polish to the wonderful product that Neon is. =)

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