--- Comment #8 from Oliver Kellogg <> ---
Git commit 796a451ac8811401b6f37e3286707da636933dda by Oliver Kellogg.
Committed on 12/03/2022 at 06:32.
Pushed by okellogg into branch 'master'. fix for displaced pins, ports,
and their associated floating texts

umbrello/umlwidgets/umlwidget.cpp followup to commit d8fe02e
- In function loadFromXMI :
  - Initialize fixedX to just nX.
  - Initialize fixedY to just nY.
  - Local bool usesRelativeCoords indicates whther this widget's
    coordinates are relative to its parentItem().
  - Apply umlScene()->fixX() to fixedX and apply umlScene()->fixY() to
    fixedY only if usesRelativeCoords is false.
  - Call umlScene()->updateCanvasSizeEstimate() only if
    usesRelativeCoords is false.

- In function loadFromXMI, on loading optional child floatingtext move
  call to m_pName->setParentItem(this) to before m_pName->loadFromXMI().
  Reason: UMLWidget::loadFromXMI needs to evaluate whether the widget
  coordinates are relative to a parent UMLWidget (see above).

M  +2    -1    umbrello/umlwidgets/pinportbase.cpp
M  +14   -3    umbrello/umlwidgets/umlwidget.cpp

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