Stefano Crocco <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |ork/konqueror/commit/56bc69
                   |                            |f5d468e675ad405b0278eb68407
                   |                            |f150cc7
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED

--- Comment #2 from Stefano Crocco <> ---
Git commit 56bc69f5d468e675ad405b0278eb68407f150cc7 by Stefano Crocco.
Committed on 20/02/2022 at 17:53.
Pushed by dfaure into branch 'master'.

Enable ScreenCapture attribute in WebEnginePart

In theory, this should enable screen sharing using platform such as
Google Meet and Jitsi. According to my tests, however, it doesn't always
work. I think the reason are limitations in QtWebEngine itself.

M  +2    -0    webenginepart/src/webenginepartcontrols.cpp

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