Vlad Zahorodnii <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|---                         |INTENTIONAL
             Status|REPORTED                    |RESOLVED

--- Comment #2 from Vlad Zahorodnii <> ---
We made the scale effect adhere to the HIG, so the looks of the effect have
changed a bit. Note that the scale is configurable. If you don't like the new
look, you can raise scale values to make the effect more subtle.

If you're still unsatisfied with that, you could take the source code of the
scale effect from 5.23
and overwrite /usr/share/kwin/effects/kwin4_effect_scale/contents/code/main.js
or wherever it's installed.

You could also copy src/effects/scale
( and replace
kwin4_effect_scale in metadata.desktop with a new id and install it using
kpackagetool5, e.g. `kpackagetool5 --type KWin/Script --install

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