--- Comment #2 from ---
Hello Juan,
Thanks for this detailed message!

I normally dig into release notes before opening a bug. 

I just found them in the screen with the open button. I see now that this is
known behavior in Ubuntu 20.04.

I do have a System76 Gazelle with Kali rolling, I will try it that machine.

I will let you know what happens!

> On Jan 20, 2022, at 16:11, Juan E. Jot <> wrote:
> Juan E. Jot <> changed:
>           What    |Removed                     |Added
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 CC|                            |
> --- Comment #1 from Juan E. Jot <> ---
> From what I can tell under the TestFlight app, the KDE Connect developers are
> aware, at least as of builds 0.2.0(2) and 0.2.0(5) of the iOS app, that  LTS
> kernels (but not non-LTS kernels such as those shipped with Ubuntu 20.10, 
> 21.04
> & 21.10) disconnect intermittently from the iOS app. I myself had been running
> GSConnect (a Gnome build of KDEConnect) on Pop!_OS 21.10 (based on Ubuntu
> 21.10), as well as KDEConnect on Manjaro XFCE 21.2.1 without issue, and then
> tried KDEConnect on Linux Mint 20.3 (based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS), finding the
> same issue as you did (more detail below*).
> I set up a KDE Connect account the same as you to report the bug, then read 
> the
> 0.2.0(2 and 5) release notes, only to find it known to the KDE developers. 
> Good
> job being on it as to current limitations, folks!
> But let me add my voice to yours, michael.hubbard999, just to ask KDE
> developers whether there is progress being made or a timeline, for update to
> this behavior. I imagine that with 22.04 LTS  coming up in April (for mainline
> Ubuntu, not for derivatives like Pop!_OS and Linux Mint right off the bat),
> that fixing it for the 22.04 LTS kernel is the goalpost. But I would love to
> hear of testing a solution for 20.04 LTS or failing that, a good backport of a
> solution for 22.04 LTS. That way, we'll be able to use KDEConnect on 20.04 LTS
> & its derivatives (such as my Linux Mint 20.3 installation) before they
> eventually update the kernel base.  This is an individual hope partially due 
> to
> other (graphical; see below) limitations^ of my aged system.
> ===
> * Essentially as release notes have described, on my Linux Mint 20.3 (with
> kernel 5.4.x) partition, KDEConnect cannot successfully initiate connection.
> KDE Connect 0.2.0(5) on iOS *can* initiate it to Linux Mint, but Linux Mint
> announces a disconnection randomly within a few seconds, and KDE Connect on 
> iOS
> never moves Linux Mint from the blue list of Discovered Devices to a green hue
> of connection (likewise, never having connected, it never shows up as a red
> Remembered Device).  This is true with the firewall on or off, with ports
> 1714:1764 allowed or not, UDP or TCP. Neither any applets nor
> gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect help this behavior, as they are all about GUI
> rather than connection behaviors.
> Again, expected behavior for KDEConnect iOS 0.2.0(5) is fulfilled in 
> connection
> with GSConnect on Pop!_OS 21.10 (with kernels 5.11.x, 5.13.x and 5.15.x) and
> with KDEConnect on Manjaro XFCE (with kernels 5.13.x and 5.15.x; *not tested*
> with Manjaro's latest 5.10.x LTS kernel!) on other partitions on the same
> machine. In a kudos to System76 &/or possibly Canonical if not Linus himself,
> this not only works as expected on x86_64, but also on arm64 on a Raspberry Pi
> 4 running Pop!_OS 21.10 (with kernel 5.13.x, so far)!
> Lastly, I lack any Android hardware with which to test against that mobile
> version of KDE Connect.
> ^ (Basically, I'm afraid I'll lose the full support Linux Mint offers--and
> uncommon present-day recommendation they make!--for the nvidia-340 driver my
> ancient laptop needs for any worthwhile performance at all, even in web
> browsers, these days. This is software completely unrelated to KDEConnect in 
> my
> one-off use case, but I simply include it to show my motivation for this hope.
> To digress further if you're interested, I address this graphical issue on
> Ubuntu kernels higher than 5.4.x by using kelebek333's nvidia-legacy PPA on
> launchpad; hopefully support for that software extends to whatever kernel 
> 22.04
> LTS ends up using!)
> -- 
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> You reported the bug.

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