Metko <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Platform|Manjaro                     |openSUSE RPMs
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #5 from Metko <> ---
Confirming this for kmail2 5.19.1 (21.12.1) under openSUSE 15.3. Also tried
removing passwords from kwallet and the SMTP configuration, to no avail.
Starting kmail in the command line and sending the first email shows two
suspicious messages at the end (see below). Unfortunately, they are quite
uninformative. Also it's weird that the SMTP password is requested only upon
sending the first email after login; all subsequent emails are sent without
asking again for the password - until the next login.

inotify_init() failed: Zu viele offene Dateien (24)
inotify_init failed: Zu viele offene Dateien (24)
Cannot initialize model with data QJsonObject(). missing: QJsonValue(string,
inotify_init failed: Zu viele offene Dateien (24)
inotify_init() failed: Zu viele offene Dateien (24)
We have an error during reading password  "Entry not found"
We have an error during reading password  "Entry not found"
 list count   1
inotify_init failed: Zu viele offene Dateien (24)
Cannot initialize model with data QJsonObject(). missing: QJsonValue(string,
org.kde.pim.liblanguagetoolplugin:  Error reply -  "Verbindung verweigert"
org.kde.pim.liblanguagetoolplugin: Error during loading languages from server :
 "Verbindung verweigert"
org.kde.pim.akonadicore: Received response with a different tag!
We have an error during reading password  "Entry not found"
We have an error during reading password  "Entry not found"

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