--- Comment #5 from Ahab Greybeard <> ---
Hi Dmitry,

If I run 4.4.8 with a fresh resources folder and fresh configs, I can make
brush preset shortcuts using Ten Brushes.
If I then run 5.0.0-beta3, the Ten Brushes slots are empty, even though the
kritarc file has them listed, but I can fill them and use them with no problem.
Quiting then updates the kritarc file.
If I then run the Dec 08 5.1.0-prealpha, all behaves normally.
If I then run 4.4.8, Ten Brushes is empty, even though kritarc has them listed.

Initially, I had an 'old' resources folder that had been used with various
different versions and I got this error message when trying to change Ten
Brushes with the Dec 08 5.1.0-prealpha:

--------start of error message-------------------------
Python 3.8.1: /usr/bin/python3
Thu Dec  9 15:01:14 2021

A problem occurred in a Python script.  Here is the sequence of
function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /home/adminahab/.local/share/krita/tenbrushes/ in
selectPreset(self=<tenbrushes.dropbutton.DropButton object>)
   26         self.setIconSize(QSize(64, 64))
   28     def selectPreset(self):
   29         self.preset = self.presetChooser.currentPreset().name()
self = <tenbrushes.dropbutton.DropButton object>
self.preset = 'a)_Eraser_Circle'
self.presetChooser = <PyKrita.krita.PresetChooser object>
self.presetChooser.currentPreset = <built-in method currentPreset of
PresetChooser object>
).name undefined
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
    __cause__ = None
    __class__ = <class 'AttributeError'>
    __context__ = None
    __delattr__ = <method-wrapper '__delattr__' of AttributeError object>
    __dict__ = {}
    __dir__ = <built-in method __dir__ of AttributeError object>
    __doc__ = 'Attribute not found.'
    __eq__ = <method-wrapper '__eq__' of AttributeError object>
    __format__ = <built-in method __format__ of AttributeError object>
    __ge__ = <method-wrapper '__ge__' of AttributeError object>
    __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper '__getattribute__' of AttributeError
    __gt__ = <method-wrapper '__gt__' of AttributeError object>
    __hash__ = <method-wrapper '__hash__' of AttributeError object>
    __init__ = <method-wrapper '__init__' of AttributeError object>
    __init_subclass__ = <built-in method __init_subclass__ of type object>
    __le__ = <method-wrapper '__le__' of AttributeError object>
    __lt__ = <method-wrapper '__lt__' of AttributeError object>
    __ne__ = <method-wrapper '__ne__' of AttributeError object>
    __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>
    __reduce__ = <built-in method __reduce__ of AttributeError object>
    __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of AttributeError object>
    __repr__ = <method-wrapper '__repr__' of AttributeError object>
    __setattr__ = <method-wrapper '__setattr__' of AttributeError object>
    __setstate__ = <built-in method __setstate__ of AttributeError object>
    __sizeof__ = <built-in method __sizeof__ of AttributeError object>
    __str__ = <method-wrapper '__str__' of AttributeError object>
    __subclasshook__ = <built-in method __subclasshook__ of type object>
    __suppress_context__ = False
    __traceback__ = <traceback object>
    args = ("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'",)
    with_traceback = <built-in method with_traceback of AttributeError object>

The above is a description of an error in a Python program.  Here is
the original traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/adminahab/.local/share/krita/tenbrushes/", line 29,
in selectPreset
    self.preset = self.presetChooser.currentPreset().name()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
----------- end of error message ---------------------------

If I restore the old resources folder, I can't replicate this error message.

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