--- Comment #168 from ---
Hello, ok so in light of the noticed improvement I explained, I have tried
something different to see the extent of the improvement. Where I normally want
all my panels and widget on my primary screen, I decide to also create a panel
on my secondary screen (bottom edge of the screen).
When I do so, the file ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc gets
amended with the following section being added:


Where indeed the panel I create is attached to my secondary screen, Screen 1.
Now if I play with Kscreen while my desktop is as I want, all changes done
through the GUI work like a charm, it's very reactive, I can change which
monitor is the primary screen back and forth and it all works very well with
everything int he right place.

Now when I unplug my external monitor, I get a messed up desktop (as I
explained in my previous post) but interestingly I can see that the section in
~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc shown above gets modified.
LastScreen=1 becomes LastScreen=0. 
Hence when I restart plasma, all panels, including the one that was supposed to
secondary screen end up on primary screen. 
The other sections in the file don't get affected by plugging and unplugging
but elements of all other sections are already on LastScreen=0 to start with!
And this was the improvement I noticed and describe in my last post, the
position of all my panels and widgets was remembered correctly - all on primary
screen - but was just not applied when plugging and unplugging - I had to
restart plasma to get the right desktop. This improvement unfortunately turns
out not to be true for elements that we want on secondary screen.

So what is the conclusion of all this:

-Plugging and unplugging modifies the file
~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc. To my understanding only
user actions like creating/modify panels and widgets should affect this file
since (i think) it is there to record the desktop config created by the user. I
don't see why hardware/device actions should affect it.

-That file is not being read properly anyway (whether or not it contains the
right or wrong config) when plugging and unplugging.

I should say that I am just an enthusiastic user and unfortunately don't have
the back-end knowledge of how it really all works but anyway hope my
observations may be useful to actual developers :)

On this topic, is there a good space to send positive message to plasma devs? I
must say that, despite talking about bugs on here a lot, I am truly impressed
by their work, especially plasma 5.7 which I think is very very slick, so would
love to write on some wall a big WELL DONE to the team!!

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