Dmitry Kazakov <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |hics/krita/commit/ab3365ff7 |hics/krita/commit/323805d23
                   |6bdd5dfbc9e83e22b108531ae00 |cb950d5f7d6bb67fadf6c4b8e21
                   |41c2                        |94b4

--- Comment #11 from Dmitry Kazakov <> ---
Git commit 323805d23cb950d5f7d6bb67fadf6c4b8e2194b4 by Dmitry Kazakov.
Committed on 30/09/2021 at 12:17.
Pushed by dkazakov into branch 'krita/5.0'.

Implement a cache for masked brushes by KisPresetShadowUpdater

Masked brushes are initialized in two steps:

1) KisPresetShadowUpdater calls KisPaintOpPreset::coldInitInForeground()
   to create the cache of the masking preset in the GUI thread (to be able
   to fetch resources needed by the masking preset)

2) KisPresetShadowUpdater calls KisPaintOpPreset::coldInitInBackground()
   to regenerate caches of the masking preset, like outline and pyramid.

M  +44   -7    libs/image/brushengine/kis_paintop_preset.cpp
M  +6    -0    libs/image/brushengine/kis_paintop_preset.h
M  +12   -8    libs/ui/KisPresetShadowUpdater.cpp

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