
           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |
             Status|REPORTED                    |NEEDSINFO
         Resolution|---                         |WAITINGFORINFO

--- Comment #18 from ---
Did you get this sorted?

Have a look at Bug 431664, that might mean you were seeing a corrupted database
and, since 5.78, the issue's been fixed.

A "balooctl purge" does three things, close down the running baloo_file
process, remove the .local/share/baloo/index database and restart baloo_file.
It can be that the "closedown" hangs. In doubt, you can manually kill the
process, check that it has gone, and delete the index file.

I've noticed that you can get log messages streaming to your terminal session
after you've closed down and restarted baloo. What you are seeing in your
original attachment looks like failures/warnings when baloo_file_extractor
tries to read metadata from the various files. You should see, if you are
running "balooctl monitor" in second window, a stream of files listed as they
are indexed (they are dealt with in batches of 40). If this stream "suddenly
stops" and you haven't successfully indexed everything, there's a chance that
you have one file (or filetype) that chokes baloo. There'd be a bit to
troubleshooting required there.

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