Piotr Mierzwinski <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|NEEDSINFO                   |REPORTED
         Resolution|WAITINGFORINFO              |---

--- Comment #3 from Piotr Mierzwinski <> ---
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #2)
> The blue line is intended to be a contrast enhancer. I gather that's not
> good enough for you?

Yes. I think is not enough. In my opinion comparing to bright mode this is very
poor contrast. And blue line barely marks the contrast in tabs.  I think 
bright mode seems to be more polished in this case.

When I run my eyes over the cards is easier for me to find active card when it
contrasts enough, even if font in title contrasts then is easier to find such
tab. In dark mode in Breeze this doesn't happen. We have only workaround like
mentioned line.

And because of this sometime ago I started to use dark kvantum style, where I
have brigher font for active tab and darker for not active tab. Please check
attached screenshot. I think this makes better contrast than line drowing on
top or bottom of tab. 

Notice please that line might be unnoticed under certain circumstances, for
example when something in similar color will be placed in very close this line.

In my humble opinion this doens't happen if we have better contrast of
background like in bright mode or if title is drawn brighter for active or
darker for not active tab, if contrast of background for both types of them is
worse, like current situation.

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