Sharaf <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |hics/krita/commit/1fffa7e33 |hics/krita/commit/69ac8b85e
                   |fb5581e2f379dc77101aa712830 |49bcd11d100a770549d4c89feca
                   |bc01                        |e5a8

--- Comment #13 from Sharaf <> ---
Git commit 69ac8b85e49bcd11d100a770549d4c89fecae5a8 by Sharaf Zaman.
Committed on 08/06/2021 at 07:21.
Pushed by szaman into branch 'krita/4.3'.

Bugfix: Inconsistent stroke fill and shape fill

Problem: Embedding KoFillConfigWidget in KoStrokeConfigWidget created
codepaths which KisAcyclicSignalConnector doesn't block, which resulted
in an inconsistent behavior when both strokes and fill were used in a

Solution: By default if we hadn't embedded the widgets, signals from
ResourceManager would've been blocked by KisAcyclicSignalConnector when
we entered slotProposeCurrentColorToResourceManager. Since we don't, we
have to manually block events when we are in this method.
Related: bug 422204, bug 434828
(cherry picked from commit 1fffa7e33fb5581e2f379dc77101aa712830bc01)

M  +8    -0    libs/ui/widgets/KoFillConfigWidget.cpp

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