--- Comment #19 from Oliver Kellogg <> --- Git commit 464c7132349e4cf10a84fc9e6f3792087a934158 by Oliver Kellogg. Committed on 30/04/2021 at 19:11. Pushed by okellogg into branch 'release/21.04'. Support C++11 "enum class" in C++ Import: lib/cppparser/ast.{h,cpp} class EnumSpecifierAST - Add functions setClass, isClass accessing new member m_isClass of type bool. - Add functions setEnumBase, enumBase accessing new member m_enumBase of type TypeSpecifierAST::Node. lib/cppparser/parser.cpp function parseEnumSpecifier - Add bool isClass initialized to false. - After consuming Token_enum add int tk initialized to m_lexer->lookAhead(0). - If tk is Token_class or Token_struct then set isClass true and call nextToken(). - After call to parseName(name) add variable enumBase of type TypeSpecifierAST::Node. - If m_lexer->lookAhead(0) is ':' then call nextToken() followed by parseSimpleTypeSpecifier(enumBase). - Reassign tk from m_lexer->lookAhead(0) and permit only ';' or '{' as its value. - Remove call to nextToken(), it is postponed to after the assignments to `ast'. - At assignments to `ast' call ast->setClass(isClass) and ast->setEnumBase(enumBase). test/import/cxx/cxx11-strongly-typed-enumerations.h - Rename second definition of Enum2,Enum3 to Enum4,Enum5 to avoid overlap. M +12 -0 lib/cppparser/ast.cpp M +12 -0 lib/cppparser/ast.h M +40 -20 lib/cppparser/parser.cpp M +5 -4 test/import/cxx/cxx11-strongly-typed-enumerations.h -- You are receiving this mail because: You are watching all bug changes.