Bug ID: 435959
           Summary: Questionable dependencies for kwin-x11
           Product: kwin
           Version: 5.20.5
          Platform: Fedora RPMs
                OS: Linux
            Status: REPORTED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: NOR
         Component: core
  Target Milestone: ---


To me it looks weird that Kwin has lots of dependencies which have nothing to
do with UI/X11/rendering.

# dnf install kwin-x11

Installing dependencies:
 breeze-icon-theme            noarch  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  3.8 M
 dbusmenu-qt5                 x86_64  0.9.3-0.25.20160218.fc33   fedora    80 k
 docbook-dtds                 noarch  1.0-76.fc33                fedora   280 k
 docbook-style-xsl            noarch  1.79.2-12.fc33             fedora   1.2 M
 dotconf                      x86_64  1.3-25.fc33                fedora    30 k
 espeak-ng                    x86_64  1.50-4.fc33                fedora   2.7 M
 gpgmepp                      x86_64  1.14.0-2.fc33              fedora   125 k
 kde-filesystem               x86_64  4-64.fc33                  fedora    43 k
 kde-settings                 noarch  33.0-3.fc33                updates   32 k
 kdecoration                  x86_64  5.20.5-1.fc33              updates   86 k
 kf5-attica                   x86_64  5.79.0-1.fc33              updates  178 k
 kf5-filesystem               x86_64  5.79.0-1.fc33              updates   12 k
 kf5-kactivities              x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  138 k
 kf5-karchive                 x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  108 k
 kf5-kauth                    x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  128 k
 kf5-kbookmarks               x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  167 k
 kf5-kcmutils                 x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  317 k
 kf5-kcodecs                  x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  177 k
 kf5-kcompletion              x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  137 k
 kf5-kconfig-core             x86_64  5.79.0-3.fc33              updates  315 k
 kf5-kconfig-gui              x86_64  5.79.0-3.fc33              updates   51 k
 kf5-kconfigwidgets           x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  403 k
 kf5-kcoreaddons              x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  416 k
 kf5-kcrash                   x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates   33 k
 kf5-kdbusaddons              x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates   76 k
 kf5-kdeclarative             x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  313 k
 kf5-kdoctools                x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  624 k
 kf5-kglobalaccel             x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates   62 k
 kf5-kglobalaccel-libs        x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates   99 k
 kf5-kguiaddons               x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates   89 k
 kf5-ki18n                    x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  1.3 M
 kf5-kiconthemes              x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  178 k
 kf5-kidletime                x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates   56 k
 kf5-kinit                    x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  183 k
 kf5-kio-core                 x86_64  5.79.0-3.fc33              updates  633 k
 kf5-kio-core-libs            x86_64  5.79.0-3.fc33              updates  470 k
 kf5-kio-doc                  noarch  5.79.0-3.fc33              updates  2.7 M
 kf5-kio-file-widgets         x86_64  5.79.0-3.fc33              updates  312 k
 kf5-kio-gui                  x86_64  5.79.0-3.fc33              updates   84 k
 kf5-kio-ntlm                 x86_64  5.79.0-3.fc33              updates   21 k
 kf5-kio-widgets              x86_64  5.79.0-3.fc33              updates  254 k
 kf5-kio-widgets-libs         x86_64  5.79.0-3.fc33              updates  421 k
 kf5-kitemviews               x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  131 k
 kf5-kjobwidgets              x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  115 k
 kf5-knewstuff                x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  855 k
 kf5-knotifications           x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  154 k
 kf5-kpackage                 x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  217 k
 kf5-kservice                 x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  350 k
 kf5-ktextwidgets             x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  324 k
 kf5-kwallet                  x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  328 k
 kf5-kwallet-libs             x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates   96 k
 kf5-kwayland                 x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  531 k
 kf5-kwidgetsaddons           x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  1.6 M
 kf5-kwindowsystem            x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  192 k
 kf5-kxmlgui                  x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  681 k
 kf5-plasma                   x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  3.1 M
 kf5-solid                    x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  395 k
 kf5-sonnet-core              x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  167 k
 kf5-sonnet-ui                x86_64  5.79.0-2.fc33              updates  165 k
 kscreenlocker                x86_64  5.20.5-1.fc33              updates  228 k
 kwayland-server              x86_64  5.20.5-1.fc33              updates  369 k
 kwin-common                  x86_64  5.20.5-1.fc33              updates  2.5 M
 kwin-libs                    x86_64  5.20.5-1.fc33              updates  1.5 M
 pcaudiolib                   x86_64  1.1-6.fc33                 fedora    29 k
 pinentry                     x86_64  1.1.0-9.fc33               updates   99 k
 polkit-qt5-1                 x86_64  0.113.0-5.fc33             fedora    84 k
 qt5-qtgraphicaleffects       x86_64  5.15.2-2.fc33              updates  112 k
 qt5-qtquickcontrols          x86_64  5.15.2-2.fc33              updates  1.0 M
 qt5-qtquickcontrols2         x86_64  5.15.2-2.fc33              updates  1.6 M
 qt5-qtscript                 x86_64  5.15.2-2.fc33              updates  1.0 M
 qt5-qtspeech                 x86_64  5.15.2-2.fc33              updates   44 k
 qt5-qtwayland                x86_64  5.15.2-3.fc33              updates  1.1 M
 sgml-common                  noarch  0.6.3-55.fc33              fedora    54 k
 speech-dispatcher            x86_64  0.10.2-1.fc33              updates  2.9 M
 speech-dispatcher-espeak-ng  x86_64  0.10.2-1.fc33              updates   53 k
 xcb-util-cursor              x86_64  0.1.3-11.fc33              fedora    19 k
 xdg-user-dirs                x86_64  0.17-7.fc33                fedora    66 k


No: kf5-karchive, kf5-kio*, kf5-sonnet*, kf5-kwallet*

Linux/KDE Plasma: Fedora 33

Make KWin more suitable for environments outside of KDE, speed it up, make it

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