--- Comment #5 from Harald Sitter <> ---
I'm not really seeing what goes wrong there. Doesn't really help that dolphin
made two requests at the same time. If you could run the same commands but with
kioclient5 instead of dolphin that'd be a great help:

kwriteconfig5 --file kioslaverc --group SMB --key DebugLevel 10
export QT_LOGGING_RULES='log_kio_smb=true'
export QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN='[%{time process}](%{pid})/(%{category}) %{function}:
kioclient5 ls smb://Alexandre@diskstation.local/photo/

I'm very certain this bug will need taking to
Even so, let's get the kioclient output first so the people at samba have an
easier time reading the output :)

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