Nate Graham <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|Discover doesn't properly   |When specifying the
                   |select app's source when    |--application CLI arg, if
                   |removing an app from        |the application in question
                   |Kickoff                     |is already installed, show
                   |                            |the page for source that it
                   |                            |is installed from, not the
                   |                            |default source (if they
                   |                            |would otherwise differ)
           Severity|normal                      |wishlist
           Keywords|                            |usability

--- Comment #2 from Nate Graham <> ---
This would be very difficult to fix correctly because Kickoff does not know
what the source of an app is; it only knows the app's AppStream ID, which it
passes to Discover. When you click the "Uninstall or manage add-ons" menu item,
it launches Discover like this:

plasma-discover --application appstream://org.devname.appname

So Discover opens, and displays the app using its default backend.

There are two ways I could see that this could be fixed:

Option 1. Teach Kickoff about the differences between different app sources,
and have it pass a command-line parameter to discover indicating the source,
which Discover would then consume to display the correct source when it opens.

Downsides: Information about software sources lives exclusively in Discover
right now; would need to move all of that into a framework or into Plasma, and
turn it into a generic, re-usable library with a stable API, so that both
Discover and Kickoff could become consumers of that API

Option 2: Make Discover prefer showing the source that an app is already
installed from when opened with the --application flag

Downsides: does not and cannot handle the case where an app is installed from
multiple backends; only works in the case where an app available from multiple
backends has been installed from one and only one of them. ...Which is probably
the common case, but still.

Ultimately probably only #2 is at all realistic.

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