Nate Graham <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|Bouncing when changing      |Bouncing when changing
                   |virtual desktop through     |virtual desktop through
                   |touchpad or mouse wheel     |touchpad or mouse wheel
                   |scroll                      |scroll when there are only
                   |                            |two virtual desktops and
                   |                            |navigation wrap is on

--- Comment #32 from Nate Graham <> ---
This seems strongly related to navigation wrapping, which is also
un-disable-able due to Bug 425787.

When wrap is on (as it's bugged to always be right now) a touchpad scroll goes
"too far" due to Bug 369426 and wraps around, leaving you back on the same
virtual desktop you started out in, creating a "bouncing" effect. This is
extremely noticeable with only two virtual desktops. With three or more, the
effect is less pronounced.

This is why it seems reproducible for some people, but not others: you only hit
it all or most of the time when you only have two virtual desktops, with the
root cause being Bug 425787. When you have more than two virtual desktops, that
isue is replaced with the touchpad scroll threshold being too low to feel
comfortable, due to Bug 369426.

So we have to fix three issues:
1. Make navigation wrap disable-able: Bug 425787
2. Require a larger touchpad scroll gesture to switch: Bug 369426
3. Discard "overscroll" that would take you back to the same virtual desktop
you started at. Essentially wrap (when enabled) should only take effect if you
were always on the first or last desktop and scrolled in that direction. That
would be basically this bug report.

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