Ivan Čukić <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|REPORTED                    |RESOLVED
         Resolution|---                         |INTENTIONAL

--- Comment #2 from Ivan Čukić <> ---
There are already better tools for this use-case. You should encrypt user's
home directory, or better, create an encrypted /home partition. The same goes
for PAM - if you want encryption that integrates with login, Vault is not the

Integration with KWallet is out of the question as it would render Vaults
useless. Anyone who has access to a computer with the user logged in would have
access to all Vaults as getting the password from KWallet is as simple as
invoking a single command in shell. There is no point in keeping something
encrypted if the encryption key is easily accessible.

Vaults are meant and designed to be small encrypted containers _under_ your
regular security (be it a simple login or an encrypted drive etc.) that are in
the locked state for as much as they can be. That is the reason closing a vault
can be easily done and easily automated (activit switching, kde connect
commands) while requiring an explicit action to open them.

As for cloud storage, the encrypted data can be synced without the vault being

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