--- Comment #6 from Duncan <> ---
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #5)
> That's weird. Does pressing the "Defaults" button in the Keyboard KCM reset
> it to "Do nothing? It doesn't do that for me.

Defaults button changes it to accented/similar.

BTW, I don't believe I specified on this bug yet, I'm on wayland by default
now.  If you want me to test on xorg I can, but I now default to wayland and
all tests so far are on wayland.

Meanwhile, after the defaults button switched me to accented/similar, I decided
to try it.  But holding some letters like a and e that I know have variants...
didn't show any variants, as I expected.  Instead, the keys repeated.  But I
had it on repeat previously and remembered I had to restart kde/plasma for a
change, so I did that... and I /still/ got repeat, not variants.

So I decided to try do-nothing again, since I knew what it did, and sure
enough, while I did have to restart plasma again for it to take effect, it did
switch to do-nothing.

Switching a few more times (and restarting plasma each time) to double-check
the tests, do-nothing does what it says on the label -- nothing.  Repeat does
what it says on the label -- repeat.  But show-accented/similar just does
repeat as well, only the repeat delay and rate sliders aren't there to adjust
the repeat as they are in actual repeat mode.

(Again, this is on wayland.)

Finally, while I'm upgraded now on my working copy, I do have a backup from a
few days before the switch to the new-style keyboard-kcm.  If it's helpful, I
can logout of my normal user and move my working homedir to a new backup, then
copy the old pre-keyboard-kcm-upgrade homedir from that backup, and log back in
as my normal user and start plasma to repeat the keyboard-kcum upgrade and see
if it again switches to do-nothing, or if that was a one-time thing perhaps due
to the order in which the components upgraded or something.  And/or I can test
the upgrade on xorg and see if the results are different than on wayland.

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