--- Comment #6 from Joshua Houghton <> ---
> Could you also provide result of running Cantor without a patch with "gdb 
> cantor"?
> It will show, where the crash happends.

That was the gdb output of cantor without the patch. I put a breakpoint on the
line in assembly before it crashed.

It crashes on this line here
   0x000000000041a2aa <+496>:   call   *%rcx
because %rcx is set to 0x0. Looks like the vtable is dodgy i would imagine but
my knowledge of c++ is severely lacking especially when it comes to c++

I can tell you it crashes on this line here:
693             plugin->connectToShell(this);
which is a virtual function. 

Never the less i've uploaded the result of gdb when it actually does crash as a
html document so you can see the colours. As you can see from running backtrace
it tries to call a function at address 0x0000000000000000 by the look of it.

> >  Out of interest what are you running assuming it works for you?

> Not sure, that I have understand your question, but if you asking is a Cantor 
> works for me, then yes, I have never experienced the problem with plugin 
> start up.
> But I remember crash on exit problem - it happened maybe a year ago, Cantor 
> have crashed  sometimes on exit, but after a few months the problem have 
> gone, so maybe it was a problem with dependency, but I am not sure.

Sorry i should have been more clear here. I meant what linux distribution are
you running and what version of the kde framework and Qt are you using.

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