Vlad Zahorodnii <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |ma/kwin/commit/6f153552dab3 |ma/kwin/commit/dfa08f225985
                   |5f46bc88c0b736a16a47cc3297d |82753638cfe6016232bc3b62edb
                   |4                           |9

--- Comment #3 from Vlad Zahorodnii <> ---
Git commit dfa08f22598582753638cfe6016232bc3b62edb9 by Vlad Zahorodnii.
Committed on 29/09/2020 at 13:56.
Pushed by vladz into branch 'Plasma/5.20'.

Allow calling setFrameGeometry() while the client is being resized

Currently, if some script attempts to resize a window while it's being
interactively resized, the corresponding change won't be propagated to
the X server.

The main reason for that is that we don't want to configure the frame
window, the wrapper window, and the client window twice. However, since
Xcb::Window keeps track of the last configured geometry, we can adjust
X11Client::updateServerGeometry() so it only configures windows that
have mismatching geometry.

By doing so, the setFrameGeometry() function can be called by scripts
even when the associated X11 window is being interactively resized.

Note that this bug doesn't affect Wayland windows.

(cherry picked from commit 6f153552dab35f46bc88c0b736a16a47cc3297d4)

M  +9    -6    x11client.cpp

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